Silverback 20L Acid Neutralising Compact Spill Kit

20L Acid Neutralising Compact Spill Kit


$134.95 ex GST

$148.45 inc GST

Special Order: This item is not stocked in our warehouse, extra lead times may apply.

Product Code: 25815BHA

Brand: Silverback

Premium Prenco Compact Spill Response Kit

The Acid Spill kits feature a neutralising absorbent powder which adds to the safety in the clean-up process. The advantages in using this special purpose absorbent is to help to stabilise the fluid, suppress vapours and rapidly encapsulate and "wick up" the fluid.

The neutralising agent in the powder will then assist with partial pH adjustment of the acid to make handling and disposal much safer and easier in the one application. Clean up is done much safer at brooms length and away from vapours, rather than trying to place absorbent pads over the fluid.

This process also eliminates the "dripping" of the acid when using a pad.

The EPA will allow disposal of the acid absorbent mixture into general landfill (at no-cost) if through the recommended manufacturers process, neutral pH has been achieved.

This also offers cost savings when compared to the high cost of disposing of contaminated absorbent pads, booms and general loose absorbent's.

Suitable for absorbing 20L of acids.