Hazchem Spill Kits

Silverback Hazchem Prenco Spill Kits feature medium-level industrial-grade absorbents for "Hazardous Chemical Spills" in the workplace. Hazchem absorbents have polypropylene microfibers with excellent chemical resistance and outstanding absorbent capabilities. 

All Silverback Hazchem Prenco Spill Kits contain Spill Stop, a mineral diatomite absorbent that offers a physical & chemical entrapment/absorption of most liquids & gases. It is naturally very porous, inert, and microcellular and can hold up to 150% of its weight in water. Spill Stop is a fire-resistant universal granular absorbent that contains most chemical spills. Spill Stop is not to be used for hydrofluoric acid and powerful oxidising agents.

Hazchem Prenco Spill Kits are available in 20L, 40L, 120L and 240L absorption capacity options, and all contain a clear document holder with a relevant content list, SDS documents, and instructions. All kits have a service record tag attached to a metal strip ring seal with a unique serial number for identification. Our range of spill products and Hazchem Chemical Spill Kits adhere to Australian safety standards and are AusSpill compliant. Silverback is helping you to comply with all applicable spill control and environmental, health and safety laws.

Hazchem Spill Kits are suitable for absorbing:

Fuels, Solvents, AdBlue, *Acids, *Caustics, Pesticides & Herbicides, Sullage and Other Non-Hazardous General Liquids.

*Chemicals subject to absorbent SDS requirements.


Silverback Hazchem Spill Symbols


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Silverback 20L Hazchem Compact Spill Kit

20L Hazchem Compact Spill Kit

$107.80 (inc GST)
Silverback 40L Hazchem Compact Spill Kit

40L Hazchem Compact Spill Kit

$168.30 (inc GST)
Silverback 40L Hazchem Uni Safe Compact Spill Kit

40L Hazchem Uni Safe Compact Spill Kit

$292.00 (inc GST)
Silverback 120L Hazchem Spill Kit

120L Hazchem Spill Kit

$285.45 (inc GST)
Silverback 240L Hazchem Spill Kit
Featured Products

240L Hazchem Spill Kit

$392.48 (inc GST)

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Frequently Asked Questions

Browse our FAQs below relating to this category. For further inquiries about our products or services, contact us at 1300 858 858.

Chemical spills are workplace safety and environmental protection issues; therefore, a spill incident could cause fines by both EPA and SafeWork.

A chemical spill in the workplace harms the environment and workers. Workplace injuries can lead to medical and rehabilitation costs and corporate fines. Environmental pollution can also result in expensive remediation costs and penalties. In all cases, prevention is the best outcome.

A relevant spill kit is the best measure to protect people and the environment.