Acid Spill Kits

The Acid Spill kits feature a neutralising absorbent powder which adds to the safety of the clean-up process. The advantages of using this particular purpose absorbent are to help stabilise the fluid, suppress vapours and rapidly encapsulate and “wick up” the liquid. The neutralising agent in the powder will then assist with partial pH adjustment of the acid to make handling and disposal much safer and easier in one application. Clean-up is done much safer at brooms length and away from vapours rather than trying to place absorbent pads over the fluid. This process also eliminates the “dripping” of the acid when using pads.

The EPA will allow the disposal of the acid-absorbent mixture into general landfill (at no cost) if neutral pH has been achieved through the recommended manufacturer's process. Waste removal also offers cost savings compared to the high cost of disposing of contaminated absorbent pads, booms and general loose absorbents.

Acidsorb is a high-quality mineral absorbent with a more significant performance capacity on more potent acids (except Hydrofluoric Acid HF & strong oxidisers).

Acid Prenco Spill Kits are available in 20L, 120L, and 240L absorption capacity options, and all contain a clear document holder with a relevant content list, SDS documents, and instructions. All kits have a service record tag attached to a metal strip ring seal with a unique serial number for identification.

Our range of spill products and Acid Spill Kits adhere to Australian safety standards. Silverback is helping you to comply with all applicable spill control and environmental, health and safety laws.

Acid Spill Kits are suitable for neutralising and absorbing:

A variety of corrosive acidic liquids. CAUTION: DO NOT USE ON HYDROFLUORIC ACID


Silverback Acid Spill Symbols


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