Class 7 Radioactive Material

Dangerous goods regulations define radioactive material as any material containing radionuclides where the activity concentration and total activity exceed specific pre-defined values. A radionuclide is an atom with an unstable nucleus, consequently subject to radioactive decay. Whilst undergoing radioactive decay, radionuclides emit ionizing radiation, which presents potentially severe risks to human health.

There is no sub-division. However, there are different labels for radioactive materials, which depend on the content and activity of such materials.

Transporting Radioactive Materials

If you're shipping a radioactive package with a common carrier, the radiation dose rate must be less than 200 mR/hr on contact with the package's exterior. It has to have a TI of less than 10 (this means that the dose rate measured 1 meter from the parcel can't exceed 10 mR/hr).

You have more latitude if you transport the radioactive materials in your vehicle or with a contract carrier. Here, if the vehicle is closed, you can have surface radiation dose rates up to 1 R/hr (1000 mR/hr) and up to 200 mR/hr on contact with the vehicle's Surface. For an open vehicle, you're limited to 200 mR/hr on contact with the package surface and at the edge of the vehicle's bed. In both cases, you can't exceed a dose rate of 10 mR/hr two meters from the side of the vehicle and no more than 2 mR/hr in the cab.

Commonly Transported:

Radioactive ores, Medical isotopes, Yellowcake, Density gauges, Mixed fission products, Surface contaminated objects, Caesium radionuclides/isotopes, Iridium radionuclides/isotopes, Americium radionuclides/isotopes, Plutonium radionuclides/isotopes, Radium radionuclides/isotopes, Thorium radionuclides/isotopes, Uranium radionuclides/isotopes, Depleted uranium/depleted uranium products, Uranium hexafluoride and Enriched Uranium.


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