Silverback Spill Stop Mineral Absorbent

Spill Stop Mineral Absorbent

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Brand: Silverback

Spill Stop Mineral Absorbent is Australian Made, and our product displays the Australian Made Logo on every bag and bottle.

This product is a highly absorbent natural earth product called “Diatomite”. Diatomite is a unique product as it is inert, lightweight, highly porous, microcellular and partially organic with highly absorbent fibres over a large surface area.

Because of the uniqueness of this product, you will use less of it to clean up and will be able to clean up quicker than products such as kitty litter or other poor-performing absorbents.

Spill Stop Mineral Absorbent will rapidly absorb a wide range of fluids and is suitable for oils, fuels, solvents, paints, acids, caustics & most chemicals* (except hydrofluoric acid).

Spill Stop is non-flammable, non-toxic, and non-hazardous, and it is fully tested to EPA landfill standards 9095A & 1311.

Available in a range of packaged sizes and package types.